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About Us:-

We are a team of four students from Jaypee Institute of Information Technology are out to spread awareness about E-waste management:- 

Following are the names:-

  • Shreya Agrawal

  • Harsh Sharma

  • Kanishk Raj Mittal

  • Harshit Singh 


WhatsApp Image 2022-01-23 at 11.56.12 AM.jpeg


People don’t care when they dispose of their e-waste. They just dispose of it as regular trash not realizing how badly it will affect our health as well as the environment.
So the main idea was connect e-waste producers and authorized recyclers
Even the government In a recent interview mentioned the importance of management of electronic waste and the lack of awareness amongst people about the same. 
I think it is important because this is a rising issue that will snowball into a huge problem if not taken care of now.


"Sustainable electronics through judicious E-waste"

The main inspiration for this project was the article we read about the severity of this problem. To Let each and everyone learn how hazardous electronic waste is for our environment and let everyone know about various ways they and dispose or manage their electronic waste.

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